Saturday, January 22, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever started on someones blog (blogspot) and then clicked the next arrow at the top? It's like blog roulette. You just never know what you'll find next.

I've come to realize after clicking through for about an hour, most people blog about their kids. John rolled over today, Emma drooled on the dog and it was just so adorable. Do people really think the world is that interested in their kids every move? Of course, do people really give two iotas about what I have to say either? I guess my ramblings about what I see in the world are no different than blogging about every little thing a 3 month old does.

The other topic that is on just about every other blog click through is Girl Scout Cookies. Most people bitching about how much they cost, how bad they are, how many places they get hit up for them, but OH how good they are.

When I was little I used to HATE that my dad refused to bring my girl scout order forms (or whatever else I was selling for soccer, ccd, etc.) to work. I used to get so mad and throw a fit. (shocker, right?) But now that I'm older, I so appreciate it.
1) Make the kids sell this stuff themselves!! Learn some self sufficiency at an early age, won't hurt ya.
b) People feel obligated to purchase when it's the boss. Not cool. I used to feel that way a lot at my old job, going to sales demos and parties for his family. I always felt obligated to attend and to purchase something, oh and smack a smile on my face while doing so.
iii) Codependent parents. Or better known as helicopter parents. That is what is wrong with our society today. Kids that get to college and need their parents to call every morning to wake them up. Parents who think their kids deserve a better grade and they'll go in and fight for it. Or my FAVORITE example of the putter-putter of a hovering parent: the call about why their kid didn't get the job they interviewed for or the raise they deserved.

I mean, why should Jenny get a laptop from the GS (this year's prize if you sell 2,000 boxes) because daddy brought the order form to work and all his employees felt obligated to buy a case? I EARNED that trip to GS camp one year selling more boxes of cookies than higher than I could count. It SUCKED delivering every last box, but damn, was I good at my times tables of x times $2.50. I still use that skill today. :)

This weather is just bitter cold. I try not to complain about the weather too much. I know in July I'll think it's too hot and long for cooler days. But damn, 0 with negative wind chills? Is it any wonder why going out in Broad Ripple does not sound appealing at ALL. Even if the Pope were here and wanted to go shake his tail feathers, I would pass to sit at home in my warm hoodie. Who wants to run around a street with drunken people when it's so cold out? Not me. I want to live somewhere that the weather is fall and spring year round. My two favorite seasons, that we only seem to get like a week of.

I can't wait for warmer weather and concert season. After going to so many concerts this past summer/fall with my new friend, I realized how much I love live music. Even if it's a band I don't know too well. I hear there's a lawn summer pass and I would totally like to look into that, especially since the outside venue is 5 minutes from my house. Even week night concerts were pretty awesome. Sometimes I forget to stop and have fun and live life. That's what this new friend (well he's been around for 7 months, so I'm not sure he qualifies as new anymore...although he still has that new car smell and still surprises me on an almost daily basis) has taught me, to have fun. I gave up so many years being codependent with my addicted bff; so I think of this as making up for lost time.

Speaking of music, I totally get in music ruts. I'll listen to the same 12 songs for weeks straight. Then I hear something old from the collection and I get on that forever. I've enjoyed listening to iTunes on shuffle for the past week, so many songs and artists I've forgotten about.

So there you go, instead of this being about rolling over and drooling, it's about music and the weather. Obviously, much more exciting.

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